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Our service rates start with basic levels but we are flexible depending on the scope and size of your recording. Contact us with any questions or for custom pricing.
Our basic tracking rate is $40/hour for studio time including engineer Scott Shane. This rate also includes use of our live room, vocal/iso booth, our selection of mics, outboard gear, instruments, amps, keyboards, drums and percussion are all included. We can record sessions of every style; full band, solo artist, VO session, drum tracking...we can do all these and more. Hourly is billed in 1/4 hour increments. All tracking sessions are a 2 hour minimum.
Contact us to get more details or to discuss your recording needs and budget.
 Our basic mixing rate is also $40/hr. Hourly is billed in 1/4 hour increments. You can scehdule attended mix sessions if you'd like or if that's not possible we can easily share with you as the mix progresses to get your input and feedback. We can also import and work with previously recorded mixes. 
Contact us to get more details or to discuss your mixing needs and budget.
Rates for production services also start at $40/hr.  We love to work and collaborate with other producers. If you already work with a producer then their rates would be in addtion to the basic engineer's fees. If you don't have a producer or haven't worked with one before we can connect you with our production partner Lisa Carman. She has a wide set of production skills and credits and can help you keep your project focused and reach its full creative potential.
Contact us to get more details or to discuss your production needs and budget.
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